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XpoLog Log Management and Analysis 3.7

XpoLog Log Management and Analysis XpoLog Log Management and Analysis 3.7

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XpoLog Log Management and Analysis Publisher's Description

We are proud to present a unique, first of a kind, Log Management and Analysis for Testing to optimize applications quality and increase production success.
XpoLog maps application problems in testing labs and production, enables quick navigation and presents summary of problems.
During testing, critical errors go undetected, massive amount of logs are generated, and many errors may not be noticed.
XpoLog automates problems discovery, compares error maps between testing and production, helps to measure development progress and generates production usage reports to increase testing focus. In addition, XpoLog is integrated to various testing tools and bug tracking systems.
Key Features:
- Maps problems to a summary report
- Captures snapshots of logs messages
- Compares versions and builds error index
- Compares production and test logs for coverage check
- Creates users and features usage statistics for testing prioritization
- Measures R&D progress in cleaning errors
- Testing context log analysis to detect errors
- Integrates to bug tracking systems and testing tools
- Enables fast investigation and diagnostics

What's New in Version 3.7 of XpoLog Log Management and Analysis

XpoLog for Testing is a log management and analysis platform that automatically discovers applications problems during testing and production. XpoLog detects errors in the logs during testing cycles and compares problems between different versions or between testing and production logs.

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